eduScrum Certification & Shu Ha Ri Learning Path

What you can discover here:

Level 1:
eduScrum Basic Courses & Training How to learn with eduScrum (Shu Learning)

Level 2:
Community of Practice - How to teach with eduScrum (Ha Exploring)

Level 3:
Develop eduScrum further within our Community of  Practice

"When eduScrum started in chemistry lessons in the Netherlands in 2011, and the eduScrum community of passionate educators and learners began to grow, we never had it in mind to require specific certifications. In keeping with the mindset that we had when we co-created eduScrum together with our students, colleagues and eduScrum Cert. co-trainers it was important that the eduScrum certification
developed organically."
Willy Wijnands (Founder of eduScrum) & Kristina Fritsch (Co-Creator of eduScrum)
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eduScrum Shu Learning

eduScrum Basic Training - about how to learn with eduScrum

Level 1: eduScrum Basic Courses & Training How to learn with eduScrum (Shu Learning)

“Follow the rule and follow the master.” (Shu)  We offer different possibilities to step into the eduScrum Shu Ha Ri Learning Path by  realizing this way of aquiring the eduScrum framework of agile learning, teaching and co-creating. In this learning area you will mainly take the role of a student in various insightful and exciting ways. We would love to support you and learn together with you about the
‘art-to-be-agile’ from a strong eduScrum perspective.

– There are no requirements needed for entering the eduScrum Shu Learning area

– Certification: eduScrum Certified Student – Definition of Ready

– Next possible steps: Art2BeAgile sessions (to be taken in sequence or in parallel) and eduScrum Ha Applying learning area

Sessions we recommend in connection with Level 1 - eduScrum Basic Training:

eduScrum Welcome Tea Sessions
(get to know the eduScrum Community & ask your questions about agile learning, teaching & co-creating inspired by eduScrum usually weekly)
eduScrum World Journey Sessions (discover, look at, listen to and get into exchange with educators, students and agilists sharing their agile learning experiences with us monthly)
Art2BeAgile Sessions (workshop diving deeper interactively into ways and issues of agile learning, teaching and co-creating)
International eduScrum Basic Training (discover eduScrum by doing it in an interactive training and become capable and ready to start with it)
Individual, inspiring eduScrum sessions/coaching, inhouse (face-to-face and online) tailored to your specific needs for your learning, teaching and collaborating environment
Get in contact with us →
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eduScrum Ha Exploring

eduScrum Ha: Explore eduScrum within our Community of Practice for your 1st time

Level 2: Community of Practice - How to teach with eduScrum (Ha Exploring)

‘Break the rule and co-create with the master’ (HA) is the main intention of this eduScrum Shu Ha Ri Learning path stage. Here you can continue your first steps with eduScrum and shift your learner’s perspective to your educational field and role of interest.

We are truly delighted when you take us on your agile learning journey and would love to support your steps!

– eduScrum Certified Student – Definition of Ready needed for entering the ‘eduScrum Ha Applying’ stage
– Certification: eduScrum Certified Teacher – Definition of Done
– Next possible steps: Art2BeAgile sessions (to be taken in sequence or in parallel)
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Sessions we recommend in connection with Level 2 - eduScrum Cert. Explorer:

eduScrum Welcome Tea Sessions
(get to know the eduScrum Community & ask your questions about agile learning, teaching & co-creating inspired by eduScrum usually weekly)
eduScrum World Journey Sessions (discover, look at, listen to and get into exchange with educators, students and agilists sharing their agile learning experiences with us monthly)
Art2BeAgile Sessions (workshop diving deeper interactively into ways and issues of agile learning, teaching and co-creating)
Agile Book & Research Club of our eduScrum Community (start reading and researching about manifold topics connected with agile learning inspired by eduScrum)
Individual, inspiring eduScrum (follow-up) sessions/coaching, inhouse (face-to-face and online) tailored to your specific needs for your learning, teaching and collaborating environment
Get in contact with us →
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eduScrum Ha Applying

Explore & Develop eduScrum further within our Community of  Practice

Level 3: Practicing eduScrum and the Art2BeAgile by having practical workshops & courses on how to practice agile learning inspired by eduScrum

‘Break the rule and co-create with the master’ (HA) is the main intention of this eduScrum Shu Ha Ri Learning path stage. Here you can continue your first steps with eduScrum and shift your learner’s perspective to your educational field and role of interest.

We are truly delighted when you take us on your agile learning journey and would love to support your steps!

– eduScrum Certified Student – Definition of Ready needed for entering the ‘eduScrum Ha Applying’ stage
– Certification: eduScrum Certified Teacher – Definition of Done
– Next possible steps: Art2BeAgile sessions (to be taken in sequence or in parallel)
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Sessions we recommend in connection with Level 2 - eduScrum Cert. Explorer:

eduScrum Welcome Tea Sessions
(get to know the eduScrum Community & ask your questions about agile learning, teaching & co-creating inspired by eduScrum usually weekly)
eduScrum World Journey Sessions (discover, look at, listen to and get into exchange with educators, students and agilists sharing their agile learning experiences with us monthly)
Art2BeAgile Sessions (workshop diving deeper interactively into ways and issues of agile learning, teaching and co-creating)
Agile Book & Research Club of our eduScrum Community (start reading and researching about manifold topics connected with agile learning inspired by eduScrum)
Individual, inspiring eduScrum sessions/coaching, inhouse (face-to-face and online) tailored to your specific needs for your learning, teaching and collaborating environment
Get in contact with us →
Deutschsprachige Community of Practice Session (den intensiven Austausch fortsetzen zu agilem Lernen, Lehren und Zusammenarbeit mit eduScrum)
Kostenfrei für alle, die in den letzten 24 Monaten/nächsten 6 Monaten ein eduScrum Basistraining besucht haben/besuchen →Link folgt noch
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