Lesson series

eduScrum Certified Trainer - Definition of Purpose (Certification)

This is the place where you can get your eduScrum Certificate: 'eduScrum Certified Trainer - Definition of Purpose'. You will be enrolled by the admin when you have done the eduScrum Basic Training, the Certification 'eduScrum Cert. Teacher - Definition of Done' and the Certification 'eduScrum Cert. Practitioner - Definition of Done'.

Within the course area you can already have a a look at the eduScrum Cert. Trainer Intro-Paper to get some more insights. Additionally, feel whole-heartedly invited to the eduScrum Welcome Tea Sessions and to the 'eduScrum Community of Practice Sessions' if you have questions about this part of the eduScrum Shu Ha Ri Learning Path. (More info)


Starting date

ongoing online course, step in when you feel ready to do so


eduScrum Ri Mastering


125 €
plus individual eduscrum license agreement

Get your Certificate

eduScrum Certified Trainer - Definition of Purpose

  • get involved in the eduScrum Cert. Trainer Community 
  • get access to the eduScrum trainer material
  • get involved in eduScrum research projects
  • develop the eduScrum training and eduScrum Shu Ha Ri Learning path further

Willy Wijnands
& Kristina Fritsch

Together with passionate educators, students and friends of the eduScrum Community, Willy Wijnands, Founder of eduScrum, and Kristina Fritsch, Co-Creator of eduScrum have developed this learning space for supporting your personal growth in the fields of agile learning, teaching & co-creating.
Zusammen mit engagierten Pädagogen, Studenten und Freunden der eduScrum Community haben Willy Wijnands, Gründer von eduScrum, und Kristina Fritsch, Co-Creator von eduScrum, diesen Lernraum entwickelt, um Ihr persönliches Wachstum in den Bereichen des agilen Lernens, Lehrens und Mitgestaltens zu unterstützen.
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