FAQ 38/22: From what age can eduScrum be used?

Kristina Fritsch

eduScrum – FAQs

The international ‘eduScrum Community of Practice’ is growing. Our library is also getting insightful items that are, e.g., based on the frequently asked /’download your brain’ questions that come up during our eduScrum Welcome Tea and eduScrum Basic Training Sessions. And, of course, we love to share what we have also contributed here. The eduScrum FAQ of the week 38:

From what age can eduScrum be used?

Students of any age can get to know and use eduScrum successfully. The first eduScrum learning projects took place in Chemistry for students aged 12 to 16 in 2011. Meanwhile, primary school students, students in higher education, and adult learners are experienced in learning with parts of eduScrum or the whole eduScrum framework. Mostly, it’s not a matter of age that guarantees that students benefit from an agile way of learning inspired by eduScrum. It’s more that they trust an agile learning process and the offered tools and procedures. Often young children haven’t any fear of jumping into an eduScrum learning approach, whereas older students tend to hesitate and need more clarity about the aims behind the learning approach a teacher is offering. Additionally,

Scrum-experienced teams like to get inspiration from eduScrum to deepen and co-create their learning journeys in a goal-oriented, structured way that ensures a learning experience on eye level. So, we are gathering remarkable examples of eduScrum experiences in various educational fields with almost no restrictions looking at the age of the learners and teachers involved.
Eager to discover more free insights and resources in our eduScrum Community Library, click here: https://art2beagile.getlearnworlds.com/workpad. If you are not registered, please register for free in our ‘eduScrum Welcome Tea Sessions’: https://art2beagile.getlearnworlds.com/eduscrum-shu-learning, and then you can enter the library we are building up (https://art2beagile.getlearnworlds.com/workpad) and also get some insights about the upcoming dates in our eduScrum Community: https://sites.google.com/view/eduscrum-community-v1/events-dates.

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